The June meeting was held at the Wantagh Vehicle Maintenance Facility on Thursday June 29. The meeting was called to order at 19:45 hours by President Manetta with a pledge to the flag followed by a moment of silence with 39 members present.
The May meeting was held at the Oceanside Vehicle Maintenance Facility on Thursday May 25. The meeting was called to order at 19:58 hours by President Manetta with a pledge to the flag followed by a moment of silence with 23 members present.
The March meeting was held at the Farmingville Fire Headquarters on Thursday March 23. The meeting was called to order by President Manetta at 20:00 hours with a pledge to the flag followed by a moment of silence with 36 members present.
This site serves as an archive of minutes and photos from meetings for member reference. Members receive email notifications of upcoming meetings and events, and a Facebook group page (see link at right) provides a general forum for members.
Membership Form
Click the icon to download the 2024 form. Print and mail along with dues check (or promise to pay) to the address on the form!
updated 06/18/24
Acrobat PDF file, 155KB.
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EVTA forums
The EVTA forum is a bulletin board system free for any EVT to join. The forum is not associated with LIEVT in any way and requires registration. LIEVT members are encouraged to investigate this resource.