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Meeting Report - Mar. 2023

  • Monday, March 27 2023 @ 06:11 am PDT
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Meeting Reports Minutes of the March 2023 Meeting

The March meeting was held at the Farmingville Fire Headquarters on Thursday March 23. The meeting was called to order by President Manetta at 20:00 hours with a pledge to the flag followed by a moment of silence with 36 members present.

Dinner was served by our very own Adam Thomas.

Minutes of the January meeting were read and approved as read.

We received a letter of thanks for our recent donation to the NY Firefighters home in Hudson in the name of Jack McLoughlin.

Barbara noted that we have many members who have not paid their 2023 dues, you are all requested to check the sign in sheet and if you are a guilty party please have them paid as soon as possible.

Barbara reported that the Chevy classes have been moved to September-October.

Barnwell Tire presented Part 2 of their tire class (delayed by recent world events) discussing some new innovations as well as tire failure and out of service criteria. They ended the night with questions related to the evening?s discussion and those answering correctly received a Barnwell sweatshirt. The grand prize of a tire used by Jeff Gordon went to Brian Kuhn.

The meeting adjourned at 21:35 hours

Minutes by Roy Ekelund