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Meeting Report - Oct. 2021

  • Thursday, October 28 2021 @ 12:07 pm PDT
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Meeting Reports Minutes of the October 2021 General Meeting

This months meeting was held at the Seaford Fire Headquarters on October 26.

The meeting was called to order by the Secretary at 19:55 hours with a salute to the flag followed by a moment of silence with 26 members present. The Seaford Fire Department served a dinner of fine Italian Cuisine.

The speaker from Darley scheduled for tonights meeting was forced to cancel at the last minute due to illness but Barbara is hoping to reschedule him in the near future. Lacking a speaker Barbara reached out to our own Paul Sailon who once again stepped up by leading us in a round table discussion on all things electric.

In what has become a common discussion Barbara spoke about the need for training topics that interest the membership. This discussion brought forth the following;

  • Artie Koenig will advise Tarren that he needs to research a class on coolant.
  • Anthony Roberto will research an Aerial Ladder class.
  • I (Roy Ekelund) will be looking into a brake class.
  • Steve Schuman will be putting together a live demonstration on Pump testing that will be held once we see warm weather in the spring.
Barbara once again discussed our need for Fire Departments to step up and host meetings as she is not able to schedule meetings without a location.

The meeting adjourned at 21:00 hours.

Minutes by Roy Ekelund