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Meeting Report - May, 2019

  • Thursday, June 27 2019 @ 06:11 am PDT
  • Contributed by:
Meeting Reports LIEVT had the regular meeting at the Seaford Fire Department on May 23, 2019. A good number of regular members and new members enjoyed an excellent dinner and dessert. The president, John Manetta, opened the meeting with a pledge to the flag and a moment of silence for our departed members and our troops overseas. He asked Kit to read the minutes – she read the minutes from the Huntington meeting and the Holtsville minutes that had not been read at the last meeting. The minutes were approved and accepted.

Click read more here or below for the minutes, or click on the picture to see pictures from the meeting.

The treasurer, Barbara Connolly, reported on a healthy treasury. She read a thank you note sent by Kit Cafaro to the officers and members who surprised her by remembering her birthday. She reminded everyone that we are always looking for fire departments to host our meetings. She distributed certificates for members who had attended classes.

The Vice President, Tarren Kerns, attended FDIC and reported on new speakers and classes. The scheduled Kussmaul class was postponed. The president introduced Dan Richardson of Foam Pro.

Dan has 30+ years of experience teaching in the Fire Service and is the in-house expert for all things FoamPro, a very popular foam proportioning system with systems for fire apparatus up to large industrial installations. He discussed basic service and troubleshooting on FoamPro systems commonly used by municipalities in a very shortened version of his normal training class. The most important take-aways from Dan's class were:

  • 1. It is very important to clean the foam strainer on a regular basis (at least once a year).
  • 2. If you run Class B foam it is necessary to Flush the system after every use.

The presIdent presented framed certificates of appreciation to the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Seaford Fire Department and to Dan Richardson of Foam Pro.

The raffle included donations from Holmatro, Coastal Fire Systems, Waterway and hats and a truck light from FRC. The annual barbeque meeting will be held at the Wantagh Fire Department on Thursday, June 27, 2019.