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Meeting Report - Mar. 2019

  • Friday, April 05 2019 @ 05:58 am PDT
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Meeting Reports LIEVT had the regular meeting at the Holtsville Fire Department on Thursday, March 21, 2019. Approximately 35 members were in attendance. They enjoyed an excellent Italian dinner. The president, John Manetta introduced Brenden Bergin of Clean Air Company, an ISO 9001:2008 certified company for industrial ventilation design of dust collection and ventilation systems located in central New Jersey. He had him do his presentation before the business meeting as he had a distance to travel.

Click read more here or below for the minutes, or click on the picture to see pictures from the meeting.

Brendan took a lot of time to discuss the dangers of diesel exhaust and particulates and benzene. Claims are often denied if there is a system available and not in use. It is very important that those affected speak up to ensure their workplaces are safe. CO at 25ppm and NO2 at 1ppm can be measured with appropriate gear and clearing of a bay can be filmed with a camera and timed. He discussed the difference between air cleaners (used at police stations where they have to deal with dangerous drugs) and source capture systems. Air cleaners don't require hoses which can get in the way, but are not able to remove CO and NO2. Magnetic vs Pneumatic systems - safely disconnect. How long can you leave it hooked up? A 20 minute warm up should be OK as long as you're not doing a regen or doing a drill - do it outside. Letting vehicles even autos idle while being worked on is not safe. After 2012 exposure to diesel exhaust effects has been recognized as another in a long list of dangerous exposures for World Trade Center responders, fire fighters and mechanics.

Our member, Jeff Dillon of Massapequa, who has been taking the testing at the World Trade Center, reported what he has learned. Mechanics are 270% more likely to develop cancer than the general public and breast cancer is more prevalent in mechanics. He talked about how these things can get into your body through your pores and wives can get sick from what mechanics bring home. He stressed the importance of wearing gloves. This is the new asbestos. Unfortunately, Ron Barz of the Firefighter Support Network, who was scheduled to speak, did not attend. Members who signed the sign-in sheet will receive certificates in the mail.

Our president, John Manetta, had to leave. His ambulance had been in an accident and he had to be there.

Our vice president, Tarren Kerns, conducted the business part to the meeting. Kit was asked to read the minutes from the last meeting at the West Islip FD - they were approved and accepted. She also read the letters of thanks that were sent to the Commissioners of the West Islip FD and to Carl Haar of Liquid Springs. Barbara sent an email to our members about the Ferrara classes in NJ. She reported that we have 121 members and our treasury is healthy. She is looking into a gift for the members. She talked about setting up a schalorship in Danny Peluso's name. Steve Schuman of Waterway has experience in doing this. Steve Velazquez, our ex-president, and Nate Berry, our webmaster, will work with Steve.

Tarren Kearns is working on setting up a pump class and hopes to do an EVT class after it. He is attending the FDIC and will be looking for speakers for our meetings. The April 18 meeting in Huntington will be a GM class. We are planning a Meritor brake class. The annual barbeque meeting will be at the Wantagh FD on June 27 - we hope Parker Brown will attend. The raffle included an FRC OPA700 portable light and several Holmatro baseball caps from Hendrickson. Tarren called the meeting adjourned.