Meeting Report - February, 2018
- Tuesday, February 20 2018 @ 12:09 pm PST
- Contributed by: NateBerry
Click read more here or below for the minutes, or click on the picture to see pictures from the meeting.
Barbara Connolly conducted the meeting and Nate Berry took the minutesSpecial Mentions
Pete Schuman not here - Barbara will send something
Jim from Brookhaven is in hospital
Kit is also in rehab after surgery
Barbara read the minutes of the last meeting and they were accepted.
Two letters were sent - one to Jeff thanking him for the class and one to Copaigue
Sent a note about Waterous class but it can only be on a Saturday and didn't get enough response to justify holding it. Bill spoke about how good the class was in Westbury and will try to reschedule.
LIEVT is doing well financially, Barbara has a lot of checks to deposit.
There is currently:
$3,000 in savings
$3,800 checking (minus some for shirts) and the bill for insurance is still to be be paid
Whats Going on?
- Looking for a venue for March 22 need a FD to host
- Part 2 of Matco training (which was cancelled due to Danny's passing) is planned for April 12. Venue is Bayshore FD
- John is working on a brake class which would provide a certificate, also working on getting more fire houses for meeting venues
- Bill is working on a hands-on welding class which is much desired by the membership. Asked the group what kind of welding: Mig and Tig were wanted. Last time his guy went over Tig but it was brief. He will see if he can arrange a more extensive class. Thinking about a West Hempstead day class.
- Thanks to Adam from East Farmingdale for getting us a venue for this meeting.
- A meeting is happening right now at Copaigue which hopefully will help in securing more venues and members.
- We're getting collared shirts - make sure you're on the list with a size!
Cory is one of the founders of Haas Alert. Company started when he was almost killed on a motorcycle in Chicago by an ambulance and he wanted to come up with some way to alert drivers about emergency apparatus operating in their area. Cars and phones are now very connected devices. Broadcasting real time presense data from emergency apparatus when the emergency lights is engaged so that drivers see this info in their in-dash systems. This requires integration with auto manufacturers which is what they are working on. Cities are requesting this type of smart notification and requires a standard method, so they are working with DHS to make this happen. Will be on GSA contract. $120 retail one time purchase for the trigger which attaches to the emergency light and bluetooth to an internet connected device.
One of our member's departments have 20 units installed and says they are working as advertised at this time.
- Frank and Adam of East Farmingdale accepted a certificate of appreciation on the behalf of the Department for hosting the meeting and providing dinner on short notice.
- Cory and Bev were presented with certificates for their attendance and presentation
- LIEVT thanked Nate Berry for his dedication to the group with a plauqe and card. He blushed.
There was no raffle at this meeting. Nate from FRC donated a Spectra 240V LED light which was returned, repaired, working, but not in saleable condition (some scratches). It will be held for the next meeting as a give-away.