Meeting Report - Mar, 2015
- Monday, March 23 2015 @ 09:54 am PDT
- Contributed by: NateBerry

Click Read More below for the minutes, or click on the picture to see pictures from the meeting.
The president, Bill D’Allesandro, opened the meeting. He led a pledge to the flag and a minute of silence for our troops and past members. He asked Kit to read the minutes of the last meeting at Copiague in January. The minutes were accepted as read. About forty members were in attendance. Our April meeting was scheduled for April 9 but the members reminded everyone that most department elections will be held on that date. Barbara will work on rescheduling the meeting.
Danny Peluso, the vice-president talked about two companies that will make full day presentations to our members – TNT and Harrisoeson. North American Hose will come to an evening meeting on June 29 or 30th. Bay Shore Fire Department and Babylon Village will each host a full day meeting.
Barbara Connelly, gave the Treasurer’s report to the members.
Bill introduced Jim Facile, Emergency and Rescue Sales Manager of Roscoe Vision Systems. He displayed camera systems, continuous recording devices and versatile mirrors for emergency vehicles. He also distributed literature to the members.
A raffle followed with items from Waterway, Fire Research and Loughlin Vineyards. Jim Facile of Roscoe raffled a Rosco system which was won by Tarren Kearns of Nassau Fire Apparatus. Bill presented framed certificates of appreciation to Jim Facile and the Board of Commissioners of the Wantagh Fire Dept.