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Meeting Report - Jan, 2015

  • Tuesday, January 27 2015 @ 12:00 am PST
  • Contributed by:
Meeting Reports The first LIEVT meeting of the year was on Thursday, January 22, 2015 at the Copiague Fire District Headquarters. . Commissioner Artie Steigert welcomed the members. An excellent dinner – including mussels – was served

Click Read More below for the minutes, or click on the picture to see pictures from the meeting.

The president, Bill D’Allesandro, called the meeting to order. He led the pledge to the flag and asked for a minute of silence to remember our troops and our departed members. Kit read the minutes from the last meeting at West Hempstead and also read the thank you letters she sent to the commissioners of West Hempstead and to Jay Wrought of Waterous. She sent a framed certificate to him along with the thank you letter. The election of officers for 2015 was held. It had been tabled at the last meeting. John Latuso nominated the existing slate. Richie Tortuso seconded it and the same officers were reelected – Bill D’Allesandro – President, Danny Peluso – Vice President and Barbara Connolly – Treasurer.

The Vice President, Danny Peluso, attended the FDSOA in Florida. He was very disappointed in the presentations. They were too elementary for our members. Next year they are moving to Arizona and our members expressed very little interest. Kit reported being approached about reorganizing an association similar to NAEVT (National Assn. of Emergency Vehicle Technicians). The members who had belonged to it discussed it.

The treasurer, Barbara Conolly, talked about the insurance coverage including cyber liability. She distributed sweatshirts and hats with the LIEVT logo to the paid-up members. Danny Peluso told the members about six daytime classes that would require full days. He would provide them to the membership.

  • 1 – ROM – could accommodate 37 – 40 technicians. They would learn how to break down an entire door. Bay Shore volunteered to host that day.
  • 2 – FRC – (Fire Research) would host a class at their Nesconset facility that would instruct our members how to calibrate gauges. Attendance would be limited.
  • 3 – CLASS ONE / HALE – Rick Tull would make a presentation on the MULTIPLEX system.
  • 4 – WELDON – Data Recording Boxes – to get information from the truck.
  • 5 – NEW WAY – a class on rear suspension and air ride.
  • 6 – CUMMINS – a class on Turbos.
Bill D’Allesandro discussed the letters he had written to departments asking them to host meetings. He and Barbara have been working to accomplish this – daytime as well as evening meetings.

A raffle was held with donations from FRC, Hendrickson and Chivvis.

Bill D’Allesandro presented framed certificates to District Manager Bobby Annan for the Copiague Fire District and to Joe Kicinski of the Westbury Fire District for hosting the two-day Waterous training.