Meeting Report - Nov. 2014
- Thursday, December 04 2014 @ 06:19 pm PST
- Contributed by: NateBerry

Click Read More below for the minutes, or click on the picture to see pictures from the meeting.
The president, Bill D’Allesandro, opened the meeting with the pledge to the flag and asked for a moment of silence to remember our troops overseas and our departed members. He asked Kit to read the minutes from the meeting at Brookhaven on September 19 – they were accepted as read. She read the thank you letters she sent to Code 3 and the Commissioners of Brookhaven.
Bill and Barbara Connelly, the treasurer, discussed the activities of the association. The members enjoyed the two-day Waterous Pump class and the Detroit Diesel class. Waterous Pump did the class gratis at the Westbury Fire Department which hosted our members for two days so graciously. They asked Kit to have a framed certificate of appreciation made up and sent to Waterous.
There was an open discussion about future classes. The group asked about Bostrom on seats and airbags, Fire Research, and Weldon. Richie Fleishauer will have Weldon call Bill D’Allesandro . A class on insurance liability on maintenance was suggested with thoughts of inviting the commissioners of our members’ departments.
The bylaws called for the annual election of officers to be held at the November meeting but it was decided to have it at the next meeting giving more time for discussion.
Barbara reported ordering more sweatshirts. She told us we now have 120 members. We might have to March meeting in Franklin Square. The January meeting will be in Copiague.
Everyone was wished a happy holiday – the meeting was adjourned – see you in 2015.