Meeting Report - Dec. 2013
- Sunday, January 05 2014 @ 01:28 pm PST
- Contributed by: NateBerry

Click Read More below for the minutes, or click on the picture to see pictures from the meeting.
The president was not in attendance and the vice-president, Danny Peluso, opened the meeting with the pledge to the flag and a moment of silence. He asked Kit to read the minutes of the last meeting - there was one correction on the winners of the trip to Spartan Motors and the minutes were accepted after a motion.
The treasurer, Barbara Connelly, reported that we have 114 members and $4,429. In funds. The next meeting will be in January in Copiague.
Danny talked about the successful training classes :
- Meritor Training - September 19 at the Wantaugh Fire Dept Shop was limited to 50 attendees.
- Hale Pump Class - October 3, 2013 - Full Day and October 4 - half day at the Nassau County Fire Academy.
- Fire Research class at their facility in Nesconset - class was limited to 24 attendees. It covered pressure governors, calibrating flow meters, pre-sets and set ups on electronic valves, testing tank level gauges and tank level sensors.
A full day class is planned for Allison / Detroit overall maintenance. We will need 30 - 35 members @ $50. Each. The week of February 17 looks good. The other classes discussed were:
- Small engines - Cutters Edge - four hours - daytime
- Stemco - Manufacturers of seals, bearings, rubbers, etc.
- Meritor brakes - there is someone who does a great full day class.
- Snap-on Tools - during an evening meeting.
- Kussmaul is looking to do a class again.
- Solar Panels - Full day.
- Lighting class - excessive lighting was discussed.
A vendor will donate test boards, etc.
Danny introduced Roger Smith and Len d'Orlando from On-Spot Automatic Tire Chains. They demonstrated their product and showed a video of how these chains actually work. They had an excellent Q & A with the members on the maintenance of these chains.
A very nice raffle was held.
Danny presented the On Spot people and Bay Shore Fire Department with framed certificates of recognition.