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Meeting Report - Dec. 2013

  • Sunday, January 05 2014 @ 01:28 pm PST
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Meeting Reports The regular meeting of LIEVT was held at the Bay Shore Fire Department on December 10. An excellent dinner was served and the LIEVT chefs' hats were presented to the cooks.

Click Read More below for the minutes, or click on the picture to see pictures from the meeting.

The president was not in attendance and the vice-president, Danny Peluso, opened the meeting with the pledge to the flag and a moment of silence. He asked Kit to read the minutes of the last meeting - there was one correction on the winners of the trip to Spartan Motors and the minutes were accepted after a motion.

The treasurer, Barbara Connelly, reported that we have 114 members and $4,429. In funds. The next meeting will be in January in Copiague.

Danny talked about the successful training classes :

  • Meritor Training - September 19 at the Wantaugh Fire Dept Shop was limited to 50 attendees.
  • Hale Pump Class - October 3, 2013 - Full Day and October 4 - half day at the Nassau County Fire Academy.
  • Fire Research class at their facility in Nesconset - class was limited to 24 attendees. It covered pressure governors, calibrating flow meters, pre-sets and set ups on electronic valves, testing tank level gauges and tank level sensors.
Danny reported fantastic attendance and excellent classes. He discussed the test preparation meeting . He reported that two engineers from Spartan made excellent study material.

A full day class is planned for Allison / Detroit overall maintenance. We will need 30 - 35 members @ $50. Each. The week of February 17 looks good. The other classes discussed were:

  • Small engines - Cutters Edge - four hours - daytime
  • Stemco - Manufacturers of seals, bearings, rubbers, etc.
  • Meritor brakes - there is someone who does a great full day class.
  • Snap-on Tools - during an evening meeting.
  • Kussmaul is looking to do a class again.
  • Solar Panels - Full day.
  • Lighting class - excessive lighting was discussed.
FRC is looking to do a class again. They had to turn people away. The members were instructed to sign up with Barbara if they want to be included in the next class.

A vendor will donate test boards, etc.

Danny introduced Roger Smith and Len d'Orlando from On-Spot Automatic Tire Chains. They demonstrated their product and showed a video of how these chains actually work. They had an excellent Q & A with the members on the maintenance of these chains.

A very nice raffle was held.

Danny presented the On Spot people and Bay Shore Fire Department with framed certificates of recognition.