Meeting Report - May, 2012
- Wednesday, May 30 2012 @ 07:40 am PDT
- Contributed by: NateBerry
At 8 PM the meeting was opened by the President, Bill D’Alessandro, who led the pledge to the flag. He asked Kit to read the minutes of the meeting at Wantagh on March 29 – the minutes were read and approved.
Bill introduced our webmaster, Nate Berry of FireResearch, - there were excellent comments about LIEVT.ORG.
Tom Probst of Hendrickson Fire reported he was hosting a charging system diagnostic training on Monday, May 21 from 12:30 to 5:30 pm. Peter Sremac of CE Biehoff is the trainer and lunch will be served. He Invited our members to attend.
Our vice-president, Danny Peluso, showed shirts he had made with a new logo. He discussed daytime training classes and volunteered to help our members with record retention and fleet maintenance standards. August was considered as a date.
Kit talked about the national award the Selden Fire Dept. received in Washington DC. For their innovative success with EMT service. Our member, John Bartnik, told our members about their program.
Kit talked about the Conn. Fire Mechanics day at Fire Research. Their website is She also brought a picture of the first mechanics meeting on LI.
The treasurer, Barbara Connelly, read a list of members in good standing and urged anyone she did not mention fo pay their dues.
Bill D’Alessandro introduced Tom Nugent, president and Phil Sgroi, engineer of Kussmaul Electronics. Phil made an excellent presentation. Kussmaul plans to do a full day training class for our members.
Bill D’Alessandro presented plaques to Tom Nugent and Phil Sgroi. Commissioner Joe Garcia accepted a plaque on behalf of the Centereach Fire District.
Bill conducted a raffle with prizes from Kussmaul and Waterway.
Bill announced that the next meeting would be on Thursday, June 28 at the West Hempstead Fire District. There will be a barbeque and a show and tell for our members’ personal bikes and vehicles.