Meeting Report - March, 2012
- Thursday, April 05 2012 @ 02:01 pm PDT
- Contributed by: NateBerry
The meeting was opened by the Vice- President, Tom Probst, who led the pledge to the flag. Kit read the minutes of the May 2011 meeting – Tom asked the members to make a motion to accept the minutes – a motion was made and seconded – the minutes were accepted.
The treasurer, Paul Sailon, read his report. To date, we have very few paid members this year – we had a total of 116 in 2008. The unpaid members were reminded to send their checks.
An election of officers was held. The new officers are:
- President: Bill D’Alessandro of the West Hempstead Fire Dept.
- Vice-President: Danny Peluso of the Centereach Fire Dept.
- Treasurer: Barbara Connelly of Fire News
Kit Cafaro will continue her secretarial duties.
Our webmaster, Nate Berry of Fire Research Corp does a great job at Our thanks to Nate and Fire Research.
The new officers appear to be very motivated and hope to bring enthusiasm to the organization. The members look forward to the future.
Tom introduced Seth Tansey of Navistar International Corp. He had an excellent power point on all aspects of installing their engines on fire apparatus. There was an interesting Q & A. Our members felt the information was very valuable.
Paul Sailon and Kit Cafaro conducted a raffle. Thanks to Nassau Fire Apparatus, Mobile Fleet and Fire Research Corp for their generosity in providing the prizes.
The members were told to go to the website to see the Firehouse and EVT feeds. The next meeting will be on the website as soon as the date and location are firm. – PLEASE SUPPLY US WITH AN EMAIL ADDRESS IF WE DON’T HAVE ONE FOR YOU. See photos of the meeting on the website and click on any picture to see photos from previous meetings