Meeting Report - Jun, 2010
- Wednesday, June 16 2010 @ 12:00 pm PDT
- Contributed by: NateBerry
At 7 PM the meeting was opened by the President, Steve Velazquez, who led the pledge to the flag. Kit read the minutes of the April meeting – Steve asked the members to make a motion to accept the minutes – Bill D’Allesandro made a motion – it was seconded by Joe Danieli – the minutes were accepted.
The treasurer, Paul Sailon, read his report. To date, we have 35 paid members this year – we had a total of 116 in 2008. He has to pay the insurance and the accountant for the IRS filing. The unpaid members were reminded to send their checks.
Steve told the members that the EVT test was held on June 5 at the Carle Place FD Headquarters. Our member, Chris Lo Preto, who has been a college instructor, prepared our members for the test. The second class was well attended. We are waiting for our members to report the results. Steve introduced Dan Krupski and thanked him for making the arrangements for the classes to be held at the Plainview FD.
The evening was planned as a “SHOW & TELL” for the members to bring the bikes and vehicles they are working on. The weather forecast was terrible so there were very few machines on view. The predicted storms never came. The members did take the opportunity to have some very interesting discussions. They talked about the Mercedes motor replacing the Detroit series 60 and the problems that have been reported.
They also discussed training and where the best is available. They talked about FDSOA and the Spartan training in August. Members had brought handouts. There was a discussion on the value of the old NAEVT.
Raffle items were supplied by Hendrickson, Fire Research, Firehouse and Waterway.
Haldex Brakes jackets are still on the way. (They were raffled in April and are being shipped to the winners.
Plaques were presented to Joe Kicinski andthe Westbury Fire Comissioners.