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Meeting Report - Oct, 2010

  • Wednesday, October 27 2010 @ 12:48 pm PDT
  • Contributed by:
Meeting Reports The regular meeting of the LONG ISLAND EMERGENCY VEHICLE TECHNICIANS was held on Thursday, October 21, 2010 at the Centereach Fire District. The chefs did an outstanding job in the kitchen – the food was excellent – their group certainly earned the LIEVT chefs’ hats they were presented with. About fifty members were in attendance.

At 7 PM the meeting was opened by the President, Steve Velazquez, who led the pledge to the flag. Kit read the minutes of the June meeting – Steve asked the members to make a motion to accept the minutes – Brian Kuhn made a motion to accept the minutes, Steve Schuman seconded and the minutes were accepted.

The treasurer, Paul Sailon, read his report. To date, we have 55 paid members this year – we had a total of 110 two years ago. The unpaid members were reminded to send their checks. He reported $5100 in the treasury and $1500 in pending expenditures.

Steve discussed the possibilities of holding training classes for the members such as a Ford engine class. Paul Sailon asked for a show of hands whether to consider a Christmas party. There was very little interest so the idea was scrapped.

Steve introduced Adam Edwards of Fire Research Corporation who displayed and discussed LED lighting. The next speaker was Bill Graves of Performance Advantage Company who discussed and displayed storage and mounting brackets for loose equipment on apparatus. He talked about the NFPA 1901 requirement for third party testing of mounts.

There was an interesting Q & A. Our members felt the information was very valuable.

Steve Velazquez presented plaques to The Board of Fire Commissioners of the Centereach Fire District, Adam Edwards and Bill Graves.

An raffle was held with prizes from Performance Advantage Company, Hendrickson, Fire Research, and Waterway Hose Testing.

The group was reminded to check www.lievt.org for the latest association information. Information can be on the website instantly – we do not do a mailing until every last bit of information is correct (postage was raised to .44 – PLEASE SUPPLY US WITH AN EMAIL ADDRESS IF WE DON’T HAVE ONE FOR YOU.