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Meeting Report - Feb, 2010

  • Tuesday, March 02 2010 @ 08:44 am PST
  • Contributed by:
Meeting Reports The regular meeting of the LONG ISLAND EMERGENCY VEHICLE ASSOCIATION was held at the Wantagh Fire Department on February 24, 2010. More than forty members enjoyed an excellent dinner prepared by the members of the Wantagh Fire Department who were presented with LIEVT chefs’ hats which were well deserved. The dinner was hosted by Mobile Fleet.

After dinner, President Steve Velazquez called the meeting to order and led the pledge to the flag. He asked Kit Cafaro to read the minutes of the September 9 meeting. Philip Santoli made a motion to accept the minutes which was seconded by Paul Sailon. Steve read a letter from the widow of our member Joe Miller who passed away after our last meeting. She said Joe enjoyed coming to these meetings regularly and expressed her thanks to the association for remembering the family. He also talked about former West Hempstead Chief John Ouwerkerk who passed away during last year. The members were reminded that his family’s furniture store, B & O, gives discounts to members of the fire service.

He reminded the members that the EVT test will be held on June 5 at the Carle Place FD Headquarters. Registration must be at the EVT office 21 days before the test (which is mid May). Our member, Chris Lo Preto , who has been a college instructor, has agreed to prepare our members for the test. Anyone who is interested in the instruction should email him at Dad132sfd at aol dot com. Paul Sailon reminded the group that everyone who took Chris’s class passed the test. Steve showed electrostatic decals which are being considered for the members.

The treasurer, Paul Sailon announced that eight members had paid their dues and reminded them that the membership form is online. There is $3500. in the treasury with a few outstanding invoices. The members were reminded to keep the association up to date with their email addresses. We do not do mailings until the last detail of each meeting has been worked out. The website can be updated quicker. Mobile Fleet had set up a table showing their products to the members.

Steve presented a plaque to Tom McKay, Danny Bittner and Sherry Brightman of Mobile Fleet thanking them for their generosity in hosting the dinner. Steve introduced Pat Freyer, President of OnSpot of North America, and Roger Smith who had traveled from their headquarters in Stratford, CT. There was a very interesting presentation on their product. Everyone learned how the OnSpot chains worked including care and maintenance. Pat asked questions of the members and gave hats to the members who answered correctly. They had interesting handouts for the group. The audience was very attentive.

A raffle was held and the president presented plaques to the Commissioners of Wantagh FD which was accepted by John Gillen, to our member, Joe Daniele, of the Wantagh FD and to Pat Freyer, president of OnSpot.

Pictures of the meeting are now posted on Flickr.