Meeting Report - Nov, 2008
- Monday, November 24 2008 @ 04:39 pm PST
- Contributed by: NateBerry
At 8 PM the meeting was opened by the President, Steve Velazquez, who led the pledge to the flag. He asked Kit to read the minutes of the meeting at Westbury on October 1 – the minutes were read and approved.
Steve reported that Chris LoPreto prepared fifteen members for the EVT tests and thanked Chris, Mike Squitteri and Dan Krupski for their work in securing the location for the review, the site for the test and the proctor.
Steve asked for suggestions for a host department in Nassau for the January meeting and a location for the March meeting in Suffolk. There was a suggestion to have Odyssey Battery make a presentation – they are pure lead and have a four year guarantee. From a show of hands, the membership voiced approval. Steve announced plans for an executive meeting in December to discuss 2009. He will have the date posted on this website and invites members who might be interested in attending. There was a discussion about a possible meeting in Westchester County – we have some members who travel regularly from Westchester to come to our meetings. Mike from N & A suggested a meeting planning committee be formed. Steve talked to the group about shirts, jackets and auto decals.
Paul Sailon, the treasurer, reports a balance of $6,300 and payables of approximately $3,200. He distributed more membership cards and announced that there are 114 paid members.
Alan Saulsbury was introduced. He announced that he was not going to make a presentation on Writing Specifications for fire apparatus as had been announced. He had wanted to talk about the NFPA 1901 for 2009 but learned that Steve Applebaum had made that presentation in October. Alan did a power point presentation on the very interesting history of fire apparatus manufacturers and presented his views on the future of the industry. He talked about the upcoming FDSOA in January and noted that we had literature on the conference available.
Steve thanked Fire Research for mailers, paper, printing and the webmaster, their IT director Nate Berry.
Plaques were presented to Alan Saulsbury, the speaker and Commissioner Jerry O’Sullivan who represented the Commack Fire Commissioners.
A raffle was held with tools, shirts, gloves, hat and fire extinguisher donated by South Shore Fire Equipment, Hendrickson, Waterway Hose Testing.
The group was reminded to check for the latest association information. Information can be on the website instantly – we do not do a mailing until every last bit of information is correct (postage was raised to .42 in May – PLEASE SUPPLY US WITH AN EMAIL ADDRESS IF WE DON’T HAVE ONE FOR YOU.
The meeting was adjourned @ 9:22 PM.