Meeting Report - Nov, 2007
- Sunday, November 18 2007 @ 06:19 am PST
- Contributed by: NateBerry
President Steve Velazquez opened the meeting with a pledge to the flag. He expressed his interest in drawing from the membership talent to provide training and classes for the group. He asked any member who was interested to contact him and discuss their area of expertise. Steve also talked about membership cards, shirts and jackets and asked Nate Berry to make several versions of the LIEVT logo available for review by the members. Paul Sailon, the treasurer, gave his report and reminded the members that some dues were long overdue.
Steve introduced Dan Ochoa of W S Darley pump division who plans to become a member and would like to spend more time with us.
Steve distributed more of the certificates from the Hale Pump Class. They will be mailed to the members who have not picked them up at the past two meetings.
The featured speaker, Bill Franzone the Caterpillar n Highway Engine Account Manager of H O Penn Machinery, gave a very interesting talk regarding 2007 emissions compliance on Caterpillar engines and described in detail the additional maintenance procedures required for the new engines. Bill brought along several Caterpillar maintenance videos and a detailed power point to better explain the procedures. There was excellent member participation in the discussion – this is exactly the kind of presentation we want to bring to the membership.
Nate Berry, our webmaster who is the Information Technology Director of Fire Research Corp., talked to the members about the website. More members are logging on. He pointed out the links to timely maintenance articles they might otherwise miss and gave some helpful hints to the group. Steve thanked him for the great job he does and thanked FRC as well for Nate’s time as well as the help with getting the flyers printed and copied.
Steve presented plaques to the Chiefs and the Commissioners of the Bay Shore Fire Department in appreciation of their hospitality and to Bill Franzone for his presentation.
A raffle followed with many Islander tickets from Fire News, a fire extinguisher from South Shore Fire and Safety and a jacket and model from Caterpillar. Literature from the Fire Department Safety Officers Conference in January was distributed as well as the new Technical Publication from Fire Research Corp. Stay in touch with where you can keep up to date and see the photos of this and previous meetings.