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Meeting Report - June 2005

  • Sunday, September 11 2005 @ 07:20 am PDT
  • Contributed by:
Meeting Reports The Medford Fire Department hosted the Long Island Emergency Vehicle Technicians on June 7. The main course of the dinner was a great barbeque of assorted meats. The chefs were presented with the LIEVT Fire Chefs Hats. President Steve Velasquez opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. He continues to ask members to fill out the sheets to update our database. He discussed the upcoming FIREHOUSE in Baltimore on July 28-31 and distributed tickets for admission to the exhibit halls. The organization will reimburse members’ airfares on Southwest per details discussed at the meeting.

Steve discussed the fund-raiser to be held for long-time, active member Joe Daniele’s son. Anthony is 19 and is in need of blood and platelets – details can be found on the website www.lievt.org. The fundraiser will be held at the Wantagh Fire Department Headquarters on Park Avenue on Sunday, July 10 from 1 to 6 PM. We expect a strong response from our members.

The main speaker was Tom Nugent, VP of Kussmaul Electronics. He displayed and discussed their product line and introduced their new products to the members. His handouts included data sheets and catalogs. Trouble shooting instructions are available on their website. There was a very strong question and answer session. Tom seemed to enjoy getting so much feedback and so many suggestions from the group.

Nate Berry, the LIEVT webmaster was introduced. He talked about the progress of the site and the advantages to the members. Members seem to be more comfortable with it and are enjoying the information available to them.

Tom Probst introduced Ron Horner, the new territory manager of Atlantic, Detroit Diesel-Allison. He looks forward to serving the members who extended a warm welcome to him.

The raffles included a battery charger from Kussmaul, eight theater tickets from Fire News, and a Fire Truck tin from Kit. Giveaways included pocket rulers from Kussmaul, patches from Kit and cups from Jerry Walker – Kaygee Fire Apparatus. The group saw the new Smeal Fire Apparatus as well as the Excellance Ambulance on the Medford site.

We hope to see the members in Baltimore in July.