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Meeting Report - Jan, 2007

  • Wednesday, February 21 2007 @ 07:18 am PST
  • Contributed by:
Meeting Reports Oakdale-West Sayville Fire Department hosted the first meeting of 2007 on January 24 in their impressive new facility which was attended by more than sixty members and guests. There was some initial confusion about the location, and many members ended up taking a detour via the main house on Montauk Highway, but everyone eventually found their way to the correct building.After dinner, President Steve Velazquez opened the meeting. He talked about the plans for 2007 which include a pump class by Hale Pump at the Nassau County Pump Facility. The date will be announced.

The first speaker was Jim Cotrell of Cotrell Associates. His presentation on every aspect of foam was very enlightening. Unfortunately, we did not have enough time to enjoy his normal full day class. We do hope we can convince him to return when more time will be available. He did offer to send his presentation to any of the members who email him. We will not post his email address online for spammers to harvest, so if you have lost his email address, click on the 'send us email' link at top left to request it. Please give your full name and your association.

The next presentation was Barnwell House of Tires by Bill Gorman, Dick Depuy, Kevin Gorman and Ted Maleska of Goodyear. . They discussed everything the members wanted to know about emergency vehicle tire applications. They brought tires in for their talk as well as asking the members to see their vehicles outside. They demonstrated a product that prevents a tire from flattening when pierced.

Steve presented the Jim Cottrell and Barnwell representatives with plaques. A special presentation was made to Chris Lo Preto for his dedication to the organization as well as his untiring efforts in the education and certification of the members.

The raffle included tools from Cotrell Associates, theater tickets from Fire News, Islander tickets from member Joe Miller and gifts from Fire Research Corp. and Rescue Vehicle, Inc. The next meeting will be held in Nassau County in March

For up to date information on the classes for certification, test dates and future meetings, stay tuned here!