Contributed by: NateBerry on Wednesday, December 06 2023 @ 11:00 pm PST
Last modified on Monday, July 01 2024 @ 06:54 am PDT
This month's meeting was held at the Bethpage Fire Headquarters on Wednesday December 6th. The meeting was called to order by President Manetta with a pledge to the flag followed by a moment of silence at 19:50 hours with 30 members present.
Dinner was provided by the Bethpage Fire District and all enjoyed a delicious meal.
We discussed sending a member to FDIC, Spartan, or the FDSOA Apparatus Symposium or instead spending that money to have an Instructor come to us for an EVT Class. More discussion will follow.
At this time Vice President Tarren Kearns stepped down from his position on the Executive Board. After a tight race it was decided that Brendan DeGraff of Wantagh will fill this vacancy. The association wishes Brendan good luck in his new endeavor!
Roger Smith the Regional Manager for On Spot[*1] was our first presenter of the evening. He discussed set up, maintenance, and repair of the On Spot Automatic Tire Chain Systems.
Roger was followed by George Adams Vice President of Sales for Smart Power Systems. George spoke about the features and benefits of their hydraulic generators as well as Maintenance and Repair.
The meeting adjourned at 21:30 hours.
Minutes by Roy Ekelund