Contributed by: NateBerry on Wednesday, July 07 2021 @ 07:05 am PDT
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Minutes of the May 2021 General Meeting
This month's meeting was held at the Mastic Fire Headquarters on May 26, it was called to order by President Manetta at 20:00 hours with a salute to the flag followed by a moment of silence with 32 members present. Mastic members served a buffet dinner and desserts.
Barbara and John spoke about future classes as well as our need for Departments to host future meetings. Barbara reported that she is scheduled to attend a Suffolk County Chiefs Council Meeting to present the Chiefs with an overview of our organization. She is hoping to be able to do the same in Nassau at some point in the near future.
This month's presentation/class was given by Fleet Reps Warren Jaffe and Jeff Beutel
They spoke about the Whelen Cencom Core System and First Responder safety that included an informative power point and an impressive live demo with two well lit SUVs.
The meeting adjourned at 21:45 hours
Minutes by Roy Ekelund