Contributed by: NateBerry on Monday, October 21 2019 @ 05:25 pm PDT
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Click read more[*2] here or below for the minutes, or click on the picture to see pictures from the meeting.
John asked Kit to read the minutes – she read the minutes from the Wantagh meeting of June 27 and the thank you letters she sent to David Gindlesperger of Akron Brass and the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Wantagh Fire Department. The minutes were approved and accepted.The treasurer, Barbara Connolly, told the group about the serious condition of Artie Koenog’s son, Connor. A motion was made and approved to send a $200 check to help Artie defray his expenses. Barbara reminded everyone that we are always looking for Fire Departments to host our meetings. She asked the group to let her know which topics they would like discussed at future meetings. Gina Mitchell of Eagle volunteered to help. Kit thanked everyone for the beautiful flowers she received when she had her recent accident. She said a thank you was written but it was on her desk rather than in her folder. She will bring it to the next meeting.
The president introduced Gary May , a trainer from Spartan Motors. He talked to the group about test taking. He said EVT tests do not have trick questions - just make sure to read the question completely and the answers before picking an answer. Also, when studying for the test to study all the bullet points and the study guides.
The officers presented framed certificates of appreciation to the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Coram Fire Dept. and to Gary May of Spartan as well as LIEVT chefs’ hats to Justin and Gary Turkot of Coram.
A pair of theater tickets from Fire News and two T shirts from Waterway were raffled.