Contributed by: NateBerry on Monday, July 30 2018 @ 11:20 am PDT
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Click read more[*1] here or below for the minutes, or click on the picture to see pictures from the meeting.
As the group settled in the meeting room, Terry Bay, Applications Engineer of Safe Fleet - ROM started his presentation. A roll-up door model had been set up earlier in the front of the room. He demonstrated the parts of the door and how to disassemble it. Hank Henninger of Ruscon and Rick Partridge, Jr. of Rescue Vehicles, Inc. were very knowledgeable and let the group see how they could repair and replace the door. Terry Bay encouraged a good Q & A. The President, Vice President, Treasurer and Kit presented him with a framed certificate of appreciation.The president, Bill D'llessandro, opened the meeting. He led the group in a pledge to the flag. He followed with a minute of silence for the journalists who were shot by a gunman and passed away this week. He asked Kit to read the minutes of the last meeting of May 24 at the Westbury Fire Department and the Westbury Water District. The minutes were accepted with a correction. The General Motors / Chevy class will be held on June 27. Kit read a note of appreciation from Dr. Annette Kussmaul. Kit represented LIEVT at the service for her father, Ernie Kussmaul who had been a strong supporter of LIEVT. Artie White II of North Bellmore passed away.
The treasurer, Barbara Connelly, reported that we have 128 members - the treasury is in good shape.
On Thursday, September 6, there will be a GM Diesel class at West Babylon Fire Department. Applications were distributed for a welding class at the West Hempstead Fire Department on Moinday, September 17 from 8 AM - 1 PM. The cost will be $50. Per member - attendees will receive certificates. The class is limited to 20 members. The first 20 to apply will be accepted. No walk-ins will be able to attend. Bill D'Alessandro talked about the class
Bill D'Alessandro introduced our late vice-president's family, his widow, Tracy and his son, Danny Peluso, Jr. He presented them with a plaque from LIEVT - he is sorely missed. They told us how much the organization meant to Danny. The group wore their LIEVT shirts with Danny's name embroidered on the sleeve. A group picture was taken with the members who were present.
Kit presented a framed certificate of appreciation to Joe Daniele, who represented the Wantagh Commissioners. We proceeded to celebrate Barbara Connelly's birthday. She blew out the candles on two large birthday cakes and accepted four beautiful bouquets of flowers.
The meeting was adjourned.