Contributed by: NateBerry on Wednesday, May 18 2011 @ 09:44 am PDT
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Kit returned after six months absence. The officers and members were happy to see her and Steve presented her with a bouquet from LIEVT.
The treasurer, Paul Sailon, read his report. To date, we have 31 paid members this year – we had a total of 86 last year, 89 in 2009, 117 in 2008, 123 in 2007, 93 in 2006, 101 in 2005, 102 in 2004 and 106 in 2005. The unpaid members were reminded to send their checks. He reported the only pending expenditure is $864 for the liability policy.
There will be an election of officers – the members were asked to make nominations by emailing them to Kit at or to BARBARA@FIRENEWS.COM. before the next meeting.
Members expressed interest in preparation for the EVT class. Ray Dyrcz said he would talk to Chris Lo Preto, our in house professor. We hope he will be able to have classes before the October tests.
Steve introduced Terry Bay, Applications Engineer and Sal Licata, Northeast and Mid Atlantic Territory Manager of ROM CORP. of Belton, Mo. Terry Bay made a very interesting presentation on the maintenance and servicing of roll-up doors. He had a model door which he was able to disassemble while he was fielding questions from the group. They certainly were more attentive than usual.
Steve presented Terry Bay, Joe Daniele of Wantagh and the Wantagh Board of Fire Commissioners with framed certificates of appreciation.
Raffle items were donated by John Sutch of South Shore Fire and Safety and Ray Dyrcz of Rescue Vehicles.
The next meeting will be held on June 29 – the members were advised to watch for the location. The officers would like to make up a calendar for the coming year. Suggestions for meeting locations and speakers would be appreciated.
The meeting was adjourned.