Contributed by: NateBerry on Tuesday, May 18 2010 @ 12:01 pm PDT
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At 7 PM the meeting was opened by the President, Steve Velazquez, who led the pledge to the flag. Kit read the minutes of the February meeting – Steve asked the members to make a motion to accept the minutes – Artie Koenig made a motion – it was seconded by Paul Sailon – the minutes were accepted.
The treasurer, Paul Sailon, read his report. To date, we have 30 paid members this year – we had a total of 116 in 2008. The unpaid members were reminded to send their checks.
Steve reminded the members that the EVT test will be held on June 5 at the Carle Place FD Headquarters. Registration must be at the EVT office 21 days before the test (which is mid-May). Our member, Chris Lo Preto, who has been a college instructor, has agreed to prepare our members for the test. Anyone who is interested in the instruction should email him (Dad132 at aol dot com). Paul reminded the group that everyone who took Chris’s class passed the test. He will hold the class as the Plainview FD on May 11 at 7 PM. One of our members pointed out that the ASE test will be given on that date.
Steve introduced Chip DiSorbo of Haldex Brake Systems. He discussed all aspects of heavy duty brakes including slack adjusters, checking brakes on heavy duty brake systems as well as anti-lock brake systems. There was an interesting Q & A. Our members felt the information was very valuable.
Plaques were presented to Chip DiSorbo, The Board of Fire Commissioners of Setauket Fire District and Steve Velazquez.
Members who attend Firehouse in Baltimore in July will be reimbursed up to $120. for airfare. Members who avail themselves of this are expected to make a report to the membership.
We have two Suffolk departments who wil host the fall meetings. We need a Nassau department.
The next meeting will be a cruise night to be held at the Westbury Fire Department.
An raffle was held with prizes from Rescue Vehicles, Fire Research, K & M Truck Repair and Waterway Hose Testing.
The group was reminded to check this website for the latest association information. Information can be on the website instantly – we do not do a mailing until every last bit of information is correct (postage was raised to .44 – PLEASE SUPPLY US WITH AN EMAIL ADDRESS IF WE DON’T HAVE ONE FOR YOU. See photos of the meeting on the website and click on any picture to see photos from previous meetings