Contributed by: NateBerry on Tuesday, June 20 2006 @ 11:21 pm PDT
Last modified on
There are several sections of the site of which you may not be aware. One important such area is the Links section. I usually submit new links to manufacturers or organizations as they present at meetings, and so you'll see the new links in the 'What's New' section for about 2 weeks. Once they get older than that, they disappear from the 'What's New' block, but you can find them again by clicking 'Links' in the section along the top of this site (where it says --> Go Home, Events, *Links*). If you don't see a site in our database that is fire related and that you think should be included, you can submit it. You can also search for links by typing in whatever you're looking for in the white box at upper right of the site (above where it says 'advanced search') and clicking 'Search'. Links that match your criteria will show up in the 'Links results' section.