Contributed by: NateBerry on Tuesday, December 13 2005 @ 04:35 am PST
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There will be an FDSOA meeting at the Hotel Rosen in Orlando, FL, Jan 22nd - 26th, and the Christmas party coming up in just a few days. Chris Lopreto, a Sayville technician and teacher will be arranging training classes and tests for Master Certification at SUNY Farmingdale again. He stressed that it is important to note that you can take multiple tests in one day. Last time he had 18 attend and 25 tests were taken that day. He will be planning the tests to alternate with meeting months (ie: if we have a Jan. meeting, he'll schedule for Feb, etc.)
Paul Sailon announced that dues will go up to $50 in 2006, perhaps with some kind of grandfather clause - though Nate didn't get the details on this. There is further work being done on a Christmas list - Nate didn't catch this either. I don't think Nate was paying close enough attention to Paul, his notes are sketchy.
Jim Johansen spoke about UL standards for aerial testing. 1914 & 1915 as separate standards will go away to be replaced by 1911 which combines them into one. It will look alot like 1901 that many fire departments are already familiar with when specifying new apparatus. A new 'out of service' criteria will affect mechanics directly providing a list of things that should cause an apparatus to be taken out of service. It will provide standards for inspection, maintenance and testing of in-service automotive fire apparatus in the expected 2007 edition. It will identify things that need to be checked in order to keep trucks in the best shape possible. It will suggest aerial testing every year, and NDT (non-destructive testing) every 5th year. To comment and make suggestions on the new standard, UL welcomes your input: go to, click on 'codes and standards', type in NFPA 1911 in the space provided under the document list. You should be able to comment on the ROP (report on proposals). Jim promised that all your comments will be handled at the 'committee level'. An interesting comment that Jim made was regarding the new Canadian standards: CAN/ULC S515-04. Manufacturers, which are mainly based in the US, are building trucks to meet these more stringent standards, and will likely be providing many of the safety improvements as standard in their US lines, which will benefit (or otherwise affect) US departments as a result.
Javier Hernandez of ON-Spot chains covered the identification of major parts of the ON-Spot automatic tire chain system, pointing out the importance and location of stamped serial numbers and codes. Javier illustrated his talk using a comprehensive manual/service book (available in PDF) with all relevant information, helpful hints and service tips for the product line. He took questions from the audience about how to size the system properly relative to the wheel, how to troubleshoot dragging chains, and other basic troubleshooting techniques.
The Holbrook cooks were honored with Chef hats, a LIEVT tradition.
(added Feb 10, 2006: Other prizes awarded included "Kiddie Fire Extinguisher from Steve Applebaum, hats from FRC and Rescue Vehicles, Jacket and duffle bag from OnSpot, a bottle of cheer and theater tickets and Islander tickets from Fire News") LIEVT is in the process of setting up the 2006 calendar. Go to or contact Steve Velasquez (631) 476-8944 with suggestions on speakers or to recommend a host department. Contact Chris Lo Preto (631) 589-0189 with any EVT question.