Contributed by: NateBerry on Wednesday, April 26 2006 @ 06:41 pm PDT
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Approximately sixty members attended the dinner meeting at the Coram Fire Department on April 20. The Fire Chefs hats were certainly well deserved. Steve Justice of Allison Transmission conducted a Preventative Maintenance Class on the 400P Allison Transmission which the membership was waiting for. He also discussed the new electronic transmission and hybrid vehicles as well as the new Allison DOC tool. Everyone learned how they could get any information they might want from Allison's website[*1] . Steve and Chris Milani of Drivetrain Truck Parts provided NY Yankee tickets and tickets for the Indy 500 for the raffle.
The Webmaster, Nate Berry of Fire Research Corp. discussed the use of the website with the members. The most timely information is always available there (here!). The president, Steve Velazquez, is making plans for a class with Hale Pumps. He talked about Fire Expo in Baltimore – the members can be reimbursed for the airfare on Southwest – Paul Sailon, the treasurer has the details. He thanked Fire Research Corp. for their help with the website, printing and copying for the association. He also reminded the members that the publications welcome their articles.
Chris Lo Preto, our member, who moonlights as a college instructor, is preparing the membership for the upcoming EVT test on Aerials on May 18. The preparation class will be conducted at 7 PM on Wednesday, April 26 – Room # 119 – Lupton Hall, SUNY Farmingdale. May 1 is the last day to register. Forms were distributed and are available at EVT #847-426-4075 or the EVTCC website[*3] .
Steve Velazquez presented a plaque, card and cake to Richie McKenna of Centereach FD who is retiring after 34 years. He also presented Steve Justice, Commissioner Van Johnson of Coram FD and the Board of Fire Commissioners of Coram FD with plaques. The raffles were great and included hats, gift certificates, pens, tools and theater tickets. The next meeting will be held on June 8 at the East Meadow Fire Department. Dick Young of Performance Advantage Company (PAC) will show their tool mounts. The balance of the program will be announced.
Look through the wonderful photos taken by Dennis Whittam of Fire News[*2] posted in the image archive (the good ones are Dennis')